Thursday, 5 June 2014

Singapore unhappy with their salary

I read with interest the yahoo finance article that says 83% of Singapore are unhappy with their salary. Only 31% can afford basic needs and some luxuries. Only 4% is comfortable with their salary. If the statistic is correct, this is really alarming and worrying. The ruling party needs to really sit up, take notice as well as action. Or it won't spell good news for them in the next election. Why is 83% of the population unhappy with their salary? Is that because of the high cost of living? Singaporean average wage is $4998 last year and even such salary is not enough for Singapore. This is really sad. This situation may be worst for the younger generations of Singaporean as the cost of housing has shot up dramatically as compared to their salary. Let's hope we get it right to really have inclusive growth.

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